Web Development

How to Run a Successful Business Website

Why business owners are now struggling for managing their website? It’s because there always much to do in short time. Below are tips to help you get through them, so pay attention! Introduce your own Style For long run, it is important that you create your own style! Try something entirely new and stop following […]

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4 Ways To Run A Successful Ecommerce Website

Can`t handle the increasingly turn to internet? More businesses are now expanding online which makes the competition even harder than it was. The only way to survive it is by making sure your ecommerce website has everything a visitor asks for. Below are a few tips to help you get started! 1. Use social networking […]

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Comprehensive Guide for a CMS based Website

What`s the most powerful web developer tool after PHP? CMS, for a market where websites need to be built faster, developers are now using CMS. Here`s a guide for you!  Introduction of CMS Content Management System or CMS is a web application capable of using a database or other ways for creating, editing and storing […]

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